To establish and maintain the highest standards of integrative medicine healthcare, ignite and sustain the joy and passion of practitioners in their work, establish the role of unconditional love as the basis of healing and support and to recognize the importance of the health of the planet as integral to human health. The intention of this process is the transformation of healthcare systems towards integrative wellness, by combining medical systems that have been fully demonstrated by facts and experience and based on the best traditional health systems delivered with compassion.
Adapted Philosophy
“To be a physician in the true sense, the mind must be unrestrained and not warped by prejudice; there must be a freedom of choosing and selecting such medical views and such remedial agents, without regard to theory or devotedness to party, as have been fully demonstrated by facts and experience to be the most in accordance with nature, and the most effectual in restoring health.”
John King MD (1813-1893)
Father of Eclectic Medicine...Now Integrative Medicine.
Comprehensive and compassionate health care system offering seamless integration of the best of traditional natural medicine and non-harmful conventional medical approaches to promote healing and optimize health in every individual and community.

The Board of Integrative Medicine is a hub for inter-professional collaboration on integrative medicine healthcare practices. BOIM is comprised of a multidisciplinary group of degreed and licensed healthcare professionals, who are seeking to expand their knowledge and expertise in integrative medicine. To Accomplish that, BOIM will:
Evaluate the candidacy of applicants desiring certification in Integrative Medicine.
Create, promote, and continually improve the standards for Integrative Medicine.
Provide for the certification and maintenance of certification for practitioners in Integrative Medicine.
Support and encourage the personal and professional growth of practitioners.
Present a comprehensive review course on an annual basis with appropriate support materials.
Support the community of Integrative Medicine practitioners.
Seek cooperation with other professional and community groups who support Integrative Medicine.
Continue to compile and make available the scientific content and data base which support Integrative medicine.
“To be a physician in the true sense, the mind must be unrestrained and not warped by prejudice; there must be a freedom of choosing and selecting such medical views and such remedial agents, without regard to theory or devotedness to party, as have been fully demonstrated by facts and experience to be the most in accordance with nature, and the most effectual in restoring health.”
John King MD (1813-1893)
Father of Eclectic Medicine...Now Integrative Medicine.
“To be a physician in the true sense, the mind must be unrestrained and not warped by prejudice; there must be a freedom of choosing and selecting such medical views and such remedial agents, without regard to theory or devotedness to party, as have been fully demonstrated by facts and experience to be the most in accordance with nature, and the most effectual in restoring health.”John King MD (1813-1893)Father of Eclectic Medicine...Now Integrative Medicine.
“To be a physician in the true sense, the mind must be unrestrained and not warped by prejudice; there must be a freedom of choosing and selecting such medical views and such remedial agents, without regard to theory or devotedness to party, as have been fully demonstrated by facts and experience to be the most in accordance with nature, and the most effectual in restoring health.”John King MD (1813-1893)Father of Eclectic Medicine...Now Integrative Medicine.
This information is provided for clarity on question we often received
Why Certification?Certification marks are granted to members to identify that the services they provide to clients meet defined standards and to confirm level of education in natural medicine (see info on certification Vs license). Certification is not equivalent to an academic degree which must be obtained at an educational institution.
Can I practice with my certification in Canada?Upon completion of your education of your education from any of our affiliate partners you are eligible for certification and to practice on the American continent (North America, including USA, Canada, and South and Central America)
Can I practice with my certification in the USA?Upon completion of your education of your education from any of our affiliate partners you are eligible for certification and to practice on the American continent (North America, including USA, Canada, and South and Central America).
Do accept my diploma, degree from (name of educational) educational Institution for certification?In addition to the educational institutions, potential members are accepted based of a case by case basis.